

Eating vegetables in a moderate quantity, only the presence of this ingredient in the food list can save you from problems like malnutrition, anemia, viscosity, weakness, fever-cold, and cardiovascular disease. In vegetables, you get vitamins, carbohydrates, meat, mineral salts, and minerals like essential elements.

In the absence of these ingredients, your physical and emotional development can be interrupted. Now a days the vegetables that are available in the market, there is no way to guarantee that your body is really getting proper nutrition. Fearing the adulteration of fish/ meat, those only considering vegetables to eat for life are not 100% safe either.


From the farmers’ land to the retailers, the vegetables come in our hands, there is no guarantee of the food quality, but the percentage of harmful substances that are beyond tolerance level is 100 percent guaranteed. Vegetable pollution starts from the farmer’s field. The seeds of different varieties of hybrid crops are associated with chemical fertilizers and pesticide.

There is nothing wrong with the application of pesticides on the farmer’s land to reduce crop loss and to protect from insects. But the thing falls into the danger level when it exceeds a certain level.


The Danger And Consequence Of Tempered Vegetables

The Danger And Consequence Of Tempered Vegetable


Agricultural experts are advised to use low-risk pesticides and to reduce the harmful effects of pesticides. We cannot sell the vegetables within 7 days of using pesticides. 40% of the vegetables in the field contain excessive pesticides, where 32% of the wholesale market and 28% of the retail market. 91% of the Chili in the market contains pesticides which are 5 times higher than the tolerant level, 31 times the redbone, and 10 times more pesticide in the cauliflower.

Pigments of 128.28 milligrams of quipus have been present in each of the brinjal where 10 mg is tolerable, 20 times more quantity is found in the dietitian pesticides in Bean. Potato, Tomato, Carrot, Badakhapi, Delia, Chichiganga, Mats, and Dhanipata are all types of vegetables containing Malathine, Chloropyriphas, Parathion, Metaccelle pesticides.

Traders are not only using pesticides to prevent the decomposition of vegetables in the market and to show them fresh but also using formalin, harmful color, and chemicals. Ethiopian chemicals are used to ripen raw vegetables like tomatoes. To show vegetables more shiny people use shampoo, Diathen type medicine.

The consequences of eating these contaminated vegetables are deadly. The chemicals directly damage the stomach, kidney, and liver. Slowly reducing the man’s ability to weaken the nerve. Even causes Cancer. ICR says the consumption of these contaminated vegetables causes stomach aches, asthma, vision blurred, itching, heart attack, and lungs, and liver disease. The biggest damage is to the children; the research of the same organization says it has the potential for child death.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, about 3 million people worldwide suffer from pesticide poisoning every year and around 20,000 people died. Pregnant women suffer from these poisons to a very high degree which can lead to physical and emotionally immature children even disabled children. If the mother takes poisonous food, the baby’s will be affected too.

In Japan, Pesticides are used to cultivate more than in our country, but due to planned measures, moderate use, and marketing, they do not have any harmful effects on the human body.

Farmers of this country must also reduce the misuse of pesticides and ensure insecticides and wait at least 7 days during the sales period. Organic methods can also be used to kill harmful insects. Organic vegetables are not looking attractive but the best food. Please do not be attracted to our glossy vegetables when you buy them.

Let us be aware, speak against adulteration. Banned unsafe products and keep ourselves safe and keep others safe.

Thankfulness: NTV, Daily Ittefaq, C News, The Daily Star,, Fishranga TV, News24, Jamuna TV.



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