The Journey of My Organic BD

Shariful Alam Pavel is a social entrepreneur. Before starting My Organic BD he did different types of jobs, especially in the marketing sector. While working in this sector, he noticed that the quality of the foods available in the local market is very poor.  Strict standards are not followed regarding use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other chemical agents used in the different stages of processing. Thus the end product, which the consumer receives is of very poor quality and consuming those products would create serious long-lasting health problems.

Two major incidents in Pavel’s life made him decided to take up the challenge of bringing high quality food and lifestyle products to the consumers at affordable prices.  He once bought juice for his younger sister. After she drank the juice, she became very sick. Pavel then conduct a personal research on the quality of food. To his horror, he found out that majority of the food items in our country are somehow contaminated. There are no premium quality foods.  Many Bangladeshi people have serious health conditions and require premium quality foods but they have no options.

The second incident happened when Pavel and his wife were expecting their first child. He searched for quality honey for his wife but could not find any in our country. These experiences led him to start My Organic BD, a retail outlet that sells quality food items at affordable price to people and help them lead a healthy life. My Organic BD procures and sell products that are free from harmful chemicals. The products are produced using organic materials. Through this outlet, Shariful Alam Pavel wants to offer customers quality products that will help them lead a healthy life.

About My Organic BD:

My Organic Bd ( produces and sells organic foods and organic life style products. We encourage people to take organic foods and spread awareness about organic foods. We always think about our future generation. For this reason, we want to promote chemical free foods and life-style items. We want to contribute towards building a healthy nation. That is why our customers are very valuable to us. We make sure that they always get quality products from our outlet.

Bangladeshi farmers do not get proper price of their produces because of middlemen. In order to get better price for their produces, they often adopt unethical practices such as using growth hormones and pesticides. They also use chemical preservatives. Such materials are very harmful to human health. Consumption of such food items for a prolonged period would lead to various deadly diseases and death in some cases. We want to help the consumers as well as the farmers and the best way to do so is to source products directly from the producers. We closely observe the production method of the farmers and if their products meet our required standards, we directly procure the products from them. We also have our own farms and ponds where we produce different crops and fishes using organic method of farming.

We also sell imported organic food and lifestyle items with authentic certification and hygienic standards. The garments we sell contains hand-woven and natural materials.


Our vision:

There will be no poison in the name of food within 5 years.Zero contaminated, zero adulterated.

We want to create a world where people do not have to consume foods that will become the main cause of their sufferings. In our country, majority of the crops are contaminated. For this reason, we want to produce & sell chemical free and poison free crops.

In Bangladesh, people are not aware of organic foods. Hence, we give a lot of emphasis on awareness building about organic food among people. We want to make sure that people make informed choices and take organic food regularly.

Agriculture is an important part of our economy. The soil of our country is very fertile. For many years, our farmers practiced organic farming. It was a part of our culture. Now, they are heavily dependent on chemicals. By adopting organic method of cultivation and encouraging organic food consumption, we want to revive our culture.

Creating Awareness Among the Consumers:

We want to inform people of the harmful effects of conventional method of cultivation in Bangladesh. Currently, our farmers focus more on quantity rather than quality. Their illiteracy makes this problem even more serious. They do not have any knowledge about fertilizers and other chemicals. As a result, their use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides often exceed the required amount which not only destroys quality of their harvest but also the environment. This puts our country, more specifically the lives of our future generation, in serious jeopardy. Already, we have started to see the effects of consuming contaminated food. Every year, the number of diabetes and cancer patients are increasing at an alarming rate. We are also seeing rise in many other types of diseases. The only way to combat these problems is to go organic- encourage organic farming and grow organic crops. We need to educate our farmers about organic methods of cultivation using least amount of chemicals and focusing more on using natural compost fertilizers and other natural materials. At the consumer level, we must create awareness about the benefits of taking organic foods. The main problem of organic crop is that their production is costly compared to crops produced using chemical fertilizers. For this reason, many customers shy away from buying organic foods. We have to make them aware about the long-term benefits of organic foods. Also there is no information on internet about outlets that sell organic foods and products. We want to share with general people how they can find out quality organic honey, dried fish and other herbal product.

Our Mission:

Our first and main mission is to supply organic food all over Bangladesh thus eliminating food related problems. We have our own farm where we produce different crops using organic farming methods. We have a pond where we produce fishes. In addition, we work with local farmers and teach them how to grow crops using organic fertilizers and use very less or almost no chemicals.

We are working hard to sell quality products at affordable price. Since My Organic BD is a for-profit venture, we have to think about making profit but to ensure our future growth we also have to think about customer retention and better service.


Take safe food to save yourself. Always look at the quality of the food and then buy

  1. We eat to live not the other way around. So, eat healthy food and lead a healthy life. Because what you eat is what you are.



Myorganicbd Ebook Part 5
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