With the increasing buzz on the internet, more and more people are curious about organic apple cider vinegar. Does it deserve to be called the new famous term “Superfood,” or is it just another myth with supporters? 

Hi, I am Azad from MyOrganicBD. Over the past month, we’ve conducted thorough studies and experiments with apple cider vinegar. As an experienced writer of organic food, wellness, and nutrition expertise, I hope to take you on an insightful journey with Us.

This article will be your ultimate guide to organic apple cider vinegar, including benefits, uses, cautions, and other aspects.

Let’s start with a short table of the pros and cons of apple cider vinegar.

  • May help reduce weight
  • May help reduce belly fat
  • Reduce blood sugar
  • Help to decrease appetite
  • Have potential good bacteria
  • May not taste pleasing
  • Lack scientific research
  • Can damage teeth enamel
  • May cause calcium leaching

What is Organic apple cider Vinegar?

Organic apple cider vinegar is a 5-6% acetic acid solution. It is usually made by two stages of the fermentation of apple. Fermentation is a process where microorganisms break down an organic product. In ACV, two stages of fermentation are the breakdown of sugar in apples and the breakdown of alcohol.

Now, let’s break it down. In the first stage of fermentation ACV, yeast breaks down the sugar and produces alcohol. After all the sugar is converted into alcohol, the second stage takes place. 

In the second stage, Acetobacter bacteria break down the alcohol and produce acetic acid as a by-product. Other bacteria may also be present in the fermentation process, such as Lactococcus and Oenococcus. Note that those are known as good bacteria which are beneficial for our body (more on that later)

Organic apple cider vinegar contains a hint of apple both in the smell and taste. ACV may also include some of the micronutrients and minerals found in apples. However, the microbial community, taste, and components may vary depending on the production process. 

Organic and non-organic apple cider vinegar differs in the apple types, production, and filtering steps. Organic ACV is made of organic apples without pesticides or heavy filtering. It also contains most of the organic nutrients from the apples. Everything is from natural way as per guide line of USDA. Non-organic ACV focuses more on commercial and large-scale production and maintaining a stable quality. 

Type Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Types of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Several types of apple cider vinegar are divided based on the materials, production process, etc . Filtration, pasteurization, added chemicals, and other factors change the quality of ACV. Different types of Apple Cider vinegar usually contain additional components, tastes, and features. 

Types of apple cider vinegar include-

  1. Distilled ACV
  2. ACV with mother
  3. Organic ACV
  4. Filtered ACV
  5. Unfiltered ACV
  6. Pasteurized ACV
  7. Non-pasteurized ACV
  8. Raw ACV

The types of ACV depend on the presence or absence of one or two stages. Comparing them will give you a clearer view.

Mother vs. distilled

Organic apple cider vinegar with mother is the most famous type of apple cider vinegar. What is the mother in ACV? In a nutshell, the mother is the healthy bacteria, apple particles, and other unfiltered parts of the apple. For those extra components, apple cider vinegar with mother has the most potential health benefit. ACV with mother looks cloudy and tastes more fruity than other types of Apple cider vinegar (ACV).

The mother is created from the fermentation of raw apples. It contains a small quantity of apple particles, live bacteria, metabolites formed by the bacteria, and other components. It contains good bacteria and other extra molecules. It is rich in taste and flavor and has better  benefits. 

Due to the mother ACV’s alive microbial community, the fermentation process continues even after bottling. It sometimes changes the color and taste of the ACV. If your apple cider vinegar with mother changes its color, it is completely fine to consume it.

On the flip side, distilled apple cider vinegar is pure without mother content. The distillation process cuts off everything without the actual vinegar. This type of apple cider vinegar contains all the basic advantages of vinegar. They are more constant in quality and have a better shelf life.

Filtered vs Unfiltered

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is usually the same as organic apple cider vinegar with mother. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains full organic mother content. On the other hand, filtered apple cider vinegar has little or no mother.

Pasteurized vs Non-pasteurized

Pasteurization is the process of heating and killing any microbial community within a liquid. Pasteurized apple cider vinegar does not contain any bacteria. On the other hand, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar contains fermenting bacteria.

Raw organic ACV

Raw organic apple cider vinegar means the vinegar is not filtered, not pasteurized, and has not gone through any chemical methods. The bacteria within the apple cider vinegar is well reserved.

Nutrition Of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Nutritional Values and Components

The nutritional value of Apple cider vinegar is quite straightforward. (95% of water and 5% of acetic acid) It has nearly zero macro-nutrients (carbs, protein, fat, etc.). 

In addition to acetic acid, organic apple cider vinegar may contain small amounts of citric, formic, lactic, malic, and succinic acids. However, organic apple cider vinegar with mother may include some of the vitamins and minerals from the apples. 

The microbial community may produce some enzymes. Other components may have a role in good health. Most of the micronutrients and even bacteria may not be constant in apple cider vinegar. According to Nutritionvalue, here is a table showing the nutritional values of one tablespoon of BRAGG organic apple cider vinegar.

Potassium 11mg

Apple cider vinegar may contain small and inconsistent amounts of vitamin B complex, biotin, folic acid, niacin, and vitamin C.

Sodium, phosphorous, calcium, iron, and magnesium may present in organic apple cider vinegar also.

What are the benefits of organic apple cider vinegar?

If we list all the claims about the benefits of organic apple cider vinegar on the internet, it may touch the moon. Organic apple cider vinegar may not have that many benefits, but it contains some solid ones. Here, I will list some of the benefits that have a concrete scientific foundation. I will also include some other benefits with reliable sources, but more in-depth study is required.

Organic apple cider vinegar may help you manage your weight, control blood sugar, boost digestive health, provide antioxidants, and help you balance your body pH. Daily 1-2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar may help you gain those health benefits.

It’s crucial to note that consuming more than 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar can cause low potassium. If the potassium level drops too low, it can cause muscle cramps, weakness, and uneven heartbeats. Make sure to keep it away from pets and children.

Let’s make a list of benefits that have scientific evidence.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss

ACV for weight loss

Organic apple cider vinegar may help to reduce your weight. A study suggests OACV has a positive result in reducing appetite and increasing fullness, which can help your weight loss journey easier. 

The effects of OAVC show promising results in reducing weight in animals in the laboratory environment. However, the efficiency of OACV in humans is still unknown, and more research is needed to reach an exact conclusion. 

Another study shows that one spoon of organic apple cider vinegar consumption for three months reduced, on average, 1 kg of body weight in a group of people. However, experts suggest those studies are very promising, and more in-depth research is required to prove its effect. Find out more on Apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

Reducing belly fat

There is a small but promising research that concludes organic apple cider vinegar helps to reduce belly fat in abusive men in 12 weeks. They also get better results on animals, but more human study is required.

Reducing bad cholesterol

Organic apple cider vinegar may reduce bad cholesterol and lower the fat absorption from your diet. A 2021 research shows quite promising results backing up the fact. High cholesterol can accumulate in the walls of your arteries, causing heart complications.

Controlling blood sugar

Organic apple cider vinegar shows fascinating results in controlling blood sugar and insulin release. This activity may help you to feel full for longer and aid you in meeting your weight loss goals. Uncontrolled blood sugar can damage the eyes, kidneys, heart, and other vital organs of diabetic people. Organic apple cider vinegar may be useful to address those concerns. 

Potential probiotic effect:

Apple cider vinegar is not considered a probiotic but may have probiotic effects. If apple cider vinegar is raw, non-filtered, and non-pasteurized, it may contain good bacteria that can help your gut and digestive health. However, the bacterial community of apple cider vinegar is not constant. Even sometimes may not have any bacteria. That’s why it is not considered a probiotic.

Organic apple cider vinegar has a good chance of having a probiotic effect. Organic apple cider vinegar can add beneficial bacteria such as acetobacter and lactobacillus to the digestive system. Organic apple cider bacteria is generally good for intestine lining and acid reflux in the stomach.

For Skin & Beauty

Our skin is slightly acidic in healthy conditions. Due to apple cider vinegar’s acidic nature, it works excellently to balance our skin’s pH. It also helps to kill the harmful bacteria that can cause acne, rash, and other skin infections. To learn in detail about the uses and benefits of OACV on the skin, check Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin & Beauty.

OACV for Haircare

Organic apple cider vinegar works outstandingly to clean, and enhance hair’s shine. It also boosts the scalp’s health and removes dandruff. But wait, before pouring ACV in your hair, learn the uses, essentials, and considerations from here : 5 Benefits of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair.

For Household Cleaning

Apple cider vinegar is widely used in American household cleaning. It can organically clean different surfaces of your house, especially in bathroom and kitchen. However, it may also damage some surfaces if not used properly. Learn more about ACV cleaning here : Apple Cider Vinegar for Cleaning.

Other potential benefits of apple cider vinegar

People often use apple cider vinegar for other benefits. Some may be true, but others may not have a good foundation. Let’s check them out.

  • Constipation: There is no guranteed scientific evidence that apple cider vinegar helps constipation. However, it may contain some bacteria that can boost your gut health.
  • Eczema: When your skin pH is not balanced, it can trigger eczema. Apple cider vinegar may help restore your skin’s acidity and help reduce eczema symptoms. Be cautious; it can cause burns and may not work for everyone.
  • Eyes: Apple cider vinegar is not suitable for any eye condition, and never use ACV in your eyes. Even diluted ACV can cause eye irritation.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): There is no 100 percent scientific evidence that apple cider vinegar helps in GERD. However, it is often used as a natural remedy for the disease.
  • Gas: Science does not support the ACV benefits for gas or bloating.
  • Jock itch: Jock itch is caused by a type of fungus, and apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy for this. However, your doctor can provide a lot better solution for jock itch.
  • Keto rash: Apple cider vinegar may help keto rash for its anti-microbial effect. It can also balance skin pH, which can also be beneficial. However, there is no scientific evidence that ACV cures keto rash.
  • Nausea: Apple cider vinegar can relieve nausea symptoms. Add one spoon of ACV and honey to one cup of water and drink for nausea.
  • Nerve pain: No scientific proof exists that ACV helps nerve pain.
  • Periods: Apple cider vinegar helps regulate blood clotting, which may help relieve cramps and irritation.
  • Ringworm: Apple cider vinegar is a natural antifungal, so using it 2-3 times a day may clear up the infection. However, ringworms are often hard to cure. Talk to your doctor if it does not help.

Note: Apple cider vinegar is very popular for detoxifying the liver and toxins from the body. The antioxidants of organic apple cider vinegar may reduce oxidative damage in the body. However, there is no proof that it can benefit the liver. If you are concerned about liver health,  consult with your doctor. Choose better food or supplements for liver health.

How To Use Oacv

How to use organic apple cider vinegar(OACV)?

We can use ACV in a thousand ways. From cooking to drinking, where is not this OACV? You can use it in a delicious salad, sauce, BBQ, coleslaw, and various dishes. Read the details in organic  apple cider vinegar in cooking.

ACV does an excellent job in household cleaning. It can be used as an organic pest controller and weed cleaner.

The classic way to drink organic apple cider vinegar is 1-2 tablespoons OACV and one glass of water in the morning. Drinking organic apple cider vinegar in the morning activates the body’s metabolism and may help lose weight and burn fat. 

Don’t have organic apple cider vinegar? Check out Apple cider vinegar alternative.

When to drink OACV?

Can you drink apple cider vinegar at night? Drinking it before bed can help reduce acid reflex and control blood sugar in the morning. If you want to lose weight and speed up your metabolism, drink organic apple cider vinegar in the morning.

If you struggle with blood sugar and acidity after going to bed, taking OACV before going to bed will benefit you the most.

How to dilute OAVC with water?

Apple cider vinegar is known as a weak acid. But not weak enough to be kind inside your mouth if you do not dilute enough. It can harm the soft tissues and enamel of your teeth. We recommend mixing 1 cup or 240ml water and 1-2 spoon organic apple cider vinegar. If you have sensitive teeth and want to protect the enamel of your teeth, you can use a straw to drink it.

After drinking organic apple cider vinegar in the morning, wait at least 30 minutes before breakfast. It will activate your metabolism properly and help you get the benefits.

What do you mix with OAVC to increase taste?

Many people ask how to make organic apple cider more pleasant to drink. Well, personally, I don’t think it tastes too bad or unbearable. My chief editor made me drink this for thirty seven days to feel its power. I didn’t find it hard to drink, even just with water.  

However, I agree that everyone’s taste buds can react differently. It is natural for some people not like the taste. So, how do you make it more pleasant to drink?

The first thing that comes to my mind is pretty boring, but it may work. You can dilute the apple cider vinegar with more water. It will weaken the taste and tanginess of the drink.

Honey with organic apple cider vinegar can be a great option. If you are not worried about the sugar content of the honey. One spoonful of honey will add 64 calories to your drink. Two spoonfuls of honey will make your drink pretty enjoyable. If you are drinking it for better metabolism, not for fat burn, honey can be a suitable choice.

Some people may want to add a pinch of salt to the apple cider vinegar. It’s okay as long as you use a tiny amount. Too much salt is unhealthy for the body and may cause chronic complications! Both honey & salt, we mix fresh lemon to increase taste.

You can add it to salad, fruits, soups, juice, and many dishes. But to get the best effect from organic apple cider vinegar with mother, you should drink it raw, without cooking and heating.

Caution: Do not brush just after drinking apple cider vinegar. It can damage the enamel layer of your teeth. Wait at least 20-30 minutes.

How do you store organic apple cider vinegar?

You don’t have to keep the organic apple cider vinegar in the refrigerator. Raw apple cider vinegar may contain microbes that may still ferment it. Storing them in a dark place at room temperature should be enough to keep OAVC good quality for years. 

However, feel free to keep it inside the refrigerator, too. It may stop the fermenting process and probably would not go through color and taste change.

Apple Cider Vinegar Concerns

There are a few health concerns about organic apple cider vinegar. OACV lowers your blood sugar, but using it with insulin can lead to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a health condition where the blood glucose level drops too low. It can cause a fast heartbeat, shaking, sweating, hunger, dizziness, and anxiety.

Organic apple cider vinegar can also react with diuretics and laxatives drugs. If you are taking medicines for constipation or high blood pressure, you should talk to your doctor first to avoid complications.

Organic apple cider vinegar is also very acidic, and if you do not dilute it enough, it can cause burns in your mouth and throat. Damage the enamel layer of your teeth. It can also cause skin irritation while using it for skin care, especially if you have sensitive skin. 

Taking apple cider vinegar for a very long time also creates a possibility of leaching calcium from your bone. It may result in weaker bones. Taking vitamin D-3 supplements can fix the issue. But please get medical suggestions before doing so.

How to Make Homemade ACV

Do you know you can make 100% pure, organic apple cider vinegar with mother with minimal effort at home? Yes, you need some apples and patience to do that.

Fermenting apple slices in a jar with unbleached water can start the fermentation process of organic apple cider vinegar. With proper steps and enough time, you can make the same or even better organic apple cider vinegar you buy from the market. Check out the detailed step-by-step process- How to Make Homemade Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where to buy organic apple cider vinegar?

You can purchase organic apple cider vinegar from a supermarket or online. Amazon is the best place to order. 

Q. Does apple cider vinegar go bad?

Considering the chemical composition and quality, apple cider vinegar can never go bad. It can go through color and smell change, but that is never a problem. However, if you think  getting the best probiotic effect from organic apple cider vinegar, you should consume fresh organic apple cider vinegar with mother.

Q. Which is better, lemon water or apple cider vinegar?

Lemon water and apple cider vinegar both contain numerous health benefits. Lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C and citric acid. However, when it comes to aiding digestion, weight management, and blood sugar regulation, organic apple cider vinegar (OACV) has better health benefit potentials. You can add lemon with ACV to get the most.


Organic apple cider vinegar has many potential benefits in reducing fat, controlling blood sugar, and lowering cholesterol. But before considering it a superfood, we need more concrete research and detailed studies.

Organic apple cider can be a powerful natural supplement with many benefits. But it may cause health complications if you do not consume it properly. If you are on medication, talk to your doctor before taking OAVC.

Organic apple cider vinegar can help your digestion with its potential probiotic effect. But for that, you must find fresh organic apple cider vinegar.

Read the 5 best Organic Apple cider vinegar to buy. 

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Mr. Shariful Alam Pavel believes in natural living. To live a healthy conscious living, we need to eat green, live green. MyOrganic Bd is a green wellbeing brand, educating millions to live a better life with mother nature.

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A doctor in Medicine, Public health professional dedicate immense time to educate people. To create awareness, Mr. Goutom worked with Myorganic Bd in his spare time.

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A Microbiologist, full time Content writer in MyOrganic Bd relentlessly trying people aware green lifestyle. Apart from working MyOrganic, he is an Environmental activitist.

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