Are you thinking of a healthy and available snack? Then almond is the first one at the top of the list. 

In this article, We will tell everything you should know about Organic almonds. Its benefits, nutrition facts, and side effects will help make it a part of your daily food habit!

I am Tahiya, and I am a certified nutritionist. As a nutritionist, I know how organic almonds will work in your body.

What is Organic Almond?

Almonds are found in the Middle East, but now the US is the most significant producer. Almond has the shell outside, and the edible portion is inside. It is actually a seed and serves people as a high protein source. They are sold either raw or roasted.

Organic almonds are certified by USDA. To pass the certification, They need to go under certain rules strictly. Organic products are Non GMO, chemical and other harmful things free. So Organic almonds ensure highest quality.

Raw almonds:

It means pasteurized, not roasted. These raw almonds are entirely safe to eat. People may get confused seeing ‘raw’ in the label for this issue. But it is secure. 

Pasteurization of almonds:

In the earliest 21st century, salmonella poisoning occurs due to the consumption of unpasteurized almonds. Then in the United States, pasteurization of nuts is a must, and after that, it has been followed. FDA approved the law in 2007.

Here, pasteurization is the process of removing toxins and pathogens from nuts. For pasteurization, heat and chemical pasteurization are mainly maintained. Mainly, steam pasteurization is followed, giving 165-degree Fahrenheit temperature for 8-9 hours.

Though heating affects the nutritional loss in almonds, even after that, nuts are nutritious. For chemical pasteurization, propylene oxide is used as a fumigant. One handful of nuts can prevent you from overeating.

Organic Almonds

Organic Almonds

Why should you prefer organic almonds?

Almond contains omega-3, omega-6, healthy protein, and fiber. The health benefits are far better in organic almonds than in non-organic almonds. The conventionally produced almond requires pesticides and fungicides to remove the pests and fungus (aflatoxin). The chemicals are sprayed over the nuts during production, and after their picking, the chemicals remain and reduce the value of almond nutrition. The substances are also responsible for hampering the cognitive health of humans.

Thus, non-organic almond contains chemicals, but organic almond doesn’t have these types of chemicals, so they lower exposure to pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and fungicides. Moreover, non-organic farming is also harmful to bees. Organic almond is free from genetically modified organism also.

What makes Organic almonds healthy?

  1. Fiber: It is crucial for gastrointestinal health. Fiber also helps to lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.
  2. Phytochemicals and antioxidants such as vitamin E are also present. These compounds help in [preventing heart disease.
  3. Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium, and copper are also present and play a vital role in the body. Here magnesium helps in the absorption of calcium. Calcium helps in the remodeling of bone.
  4. Essential amino acid arginine is also present, and it keeps blood vessels relaxed.
  5. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are present and maintain good cardiovascular health. They are also suitable for cognitive health.
  6. Folate is present and provides protection for the heart.

Nutritional benefits from organic almonds:

  1. Antioxidants: Organic almonds contain lots of antioxidants. These prevent oxidative stress, fight disease, and reduce aging. Mainly the brown layer of almonds includes antioxidants. For this reason, blanched almonds are not suggested to consume. Vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant, is rich in almonds. It reduces Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease.
  2. Control blood sugar level: Organic almonds are high in fats, protein, and fiber but low in carbs. Magnesium presents in almonds also control blood sugar level. This mineral also prevents metabolic syndrome. 
  3. Minimizes blood pressure level: High blood pressure leads to heart attack, strokes, and kidney failure. The magnesium presents in almonds reduces this pressure. It works well also with weight management.
  4. Reduction in cholesterol level: Organic almonds lower LDL cholesterol levels. It maintains the HDL cholesterol level and helps lose body fat. Moreover, the skin of almonds is also beneficial for reducing heart disease and cholesterol levels.
  5. Lowering hunger and calorie content: Organic almond contains high fat and protein levels, low in carbs. So, the consumption of almonds reduces hunger and appetite. It controls weight management.
  6. Maintains overweight: Consumption of almonds can boost metabolism and digestion happen appropriately in the body. It is friendly weight loss food. It helps you feel full for longer. 
  7. Improves cognitive function: Vitamin E content increases mental performance and function. It is effective in reducing Alzheimer’s disease. Soaking the almonds and consume at the morning increases memory in the morning. It helps to increase memory also. 
  8. Reduce Risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease: Antioxidants and vitamin E in almonds help reduce cancer. It allows cell damage from oxidative stress and free radicals. 
  9. Glowing skin: Organic almond oil is very beneficial for glowing skin. It is suggested to massage the baby. Bitter almonds are mainly used for producing oil.
  10. Good for sleep: Organic almonds contain muscle-relaxing magnesium, which helps in sound sleep.

How much should you consume organic almonds per day?

Per day, one ounce of almonds is essential for an American individual. This one ounce has the following nutrients:

  1. Fiber- 3.5 grams
  2. Healthy protein: 6 grams
  3. Healthy Fat: 14 grams 
  4. Vitamin E: 37% of the RDI
  5. Manganese: 32% of the RDI
  6. Magnesium: 20% of the RDI
  7. Energy:165 calories
  8. Carbohydrate: 6grams

They also contain less copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and phosphorus. This supplies only 161 calories and 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates. Almonds also contain phytic acid, which prevents some minerals and vitamins from getting absorbed.

How to use organic almonds:

Organic almonds are used in desserts, sandwiches, salads, drinks, and smoothies.

  1. Almond milk: one cup of almond must mix with four cups of water. Then mixing is done by blender for 10-15 min until the nuts are appropriately blended. Any spice or sweetener can also be added. Then it is ready to drink. The nuts can be soaked in water overnight also before consumption.
  2. Roasted and salted almonds are suggested to consume.
  3. Whole almonds are suggested to eat because the peel is also beneficial for health. But almonds are always recommended to consume with fruits and vegetables because raw almonds may cause indigestion. 

Six to eight almonds per day are enough for an adult to give the nutritional benefit. 

Roasted Vs Raw Almonds

Roasted Vs Raw Almonds

Roasted almond vs. raw almond:

There are mainly two types of organic almonds. They are: roasted and raw. 

Improve the texture of nuts; roasting is done. Again, roasting can be done without oil and with oil. Microwaves can also be used for roasting. Roasting nuts have a crunchy texture due to lowering the moisture content. The nutritional content of raw and roasted is almost the same. But fat and calorie content are slightly higher in roasted almonds. As the moisture is lost during the roasting, the weight becomes more elevated, so fat and calorie content become high. This applies to oil-roasted almonds. Protein and carbohydrate content is similar in both types of nuts. 

But roasted almonds have some terrible impact on the quality of almonds; high temperature and long cooking time affect the polyunsaturated fats to produce free radicals. This rancid fat is very harmful to the human body. During roasting, the almonds can come close to the air and become oxidized. Then the structure of almonds is changed. For this issue, the shelf life of almonds also reduces.

The temperature affects the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in almonds. As the antioxidant is concerned, it will affect the overall nutritional quality of almonds. Low temperature roasting is the only way to prevent this problem.

Possible side effects of organic almonds

  1. Allergic reaction: People who are allergic to nuts may have a severe reaction to organic almonds. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and itching occur. People should avoid this if they observe these signs and symptoms.
  2. Weight gain: It is scarce that almonds increase weight. Daily consumption of organic almonds can cause weight gain in people who are not engaged to exercise. More protein and fat aid in weight gain.
  3. Gastrointestinal health issue: Though organic almonds help you to feel full, excess consumption may lead to gas, bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Constipation may also occur.
  4. Nutrient absorption hampers: Organic almonds contain too much fiber, and sometimes the fiber creates a bond with vitamins and minerals. For this reason, almonds should consume between meals. 4-5 almonds are suggested to take per day. Again, phytic acid in almonds is also responsible for hampering nutrient absorption. 
  5. Toxins increase: Bitter almonds can cause cyanide poisoning. Breathing problems, choking and fatal breakdown may also occur. For this reason, bitter almonds are not suggested to take by pregnant and lactating women.
  6. Interaction with medicine: Organic almonds may interact with medications containing manganese. This compound interacts with blood pressure medications, antibiotics, and laxatives.
  7. Vitamin E toxicity: Too many almonds can cause toxicity problems. Overdose can create blood coagulation and hemorrhage.
  8. Kidney stones: Oxalates in food is responsible for developing kidney stones. The oxalates in nuts are more readily absorbable than any other foods. After consuming too many almonds, the oxalates create kidney stone and damages the kidney literally. 

So, give your daily diet and kitchen nutritious, tasty, and precious one handful of organic almonds. Almond contains essential nutrients and micronutrients. Developing a habit of consuming almonds can be beneficial for health in various ways.  

How to store?

Organic almonds need to store in glass or airtight containers so that rancidity can prevent. Keep it dry cool space.


Do all almonds have cyanide?

No, not at almonds have cyanide. Almonds can be of two types: sweet almonds and bitter almonds. Sweet almonds don’t contain cyanide, but bitter almonds are wild and contain very low amount of cyanide. If someone is affected by cyanide poisoning, then dizziness, nausea, headache, and vomiting may occur. Sometimes loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, respiratory problem, even death might occur in extreme case. Almonds that people find at grocery shops are fully safe to eat.

Which are healthier, walnuts or almonds?

Both nuts are healthier for different purposes. Walnuts contain mainly anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. This fatty acid profiling helps brain development and cognitive performance and increases mental function. Again, almonds are good for heart health due to their antioxidants, vitamin E, and magnesium. It has lower omega-3 fatty acids than walnuts. So, walnuts help cognitive health, and almonds help cardiovascular function.

Why should almonds be peeled?

 Almonds are suggested to eat without skin. They need to soak overnight; then, the peel becomes soft and easy to remove. Almond skin contains tannin, which is responsible for hampering nutrient absorption. Tannin reduces the digestive capability in the human body. So, people with digestive issues are not suggested to take peeled almonds. Moreover, the peel gives a bitter taste, which is unacceptable to the consumer. So, for all these reasons, almonds should take without a peel.

Do almonds cause inflammation in the body?

No, almonds are not responsible for causing inflammation in the body. It has a rich profile of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin E. Almonds are known as heart-healthy due to their fatty acid content. It helps to reduce cholesterol also. That’s why almond is known as anti-inflammatory food due to their healing properties.

Wrap up : Organic Almonds

Already we shared about organic almonds. To Buy organic almonds, go to Amazon. To know more about other nuts, read our healthiest nuts and seeds.

Organic Almonds
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Mr. Shariful Alam Pavel believes in natural living. To live a healthy conscious living, we need to eat green, live green. MyOrganic Bd is a green wellbeing brand, educating millions to live a better life with mother nature.

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