There are many commercial oils in the market. But homemade cinnamon oil is best for your satisfaction. It is suitable for your skin and beauty. 

This article discusses everything you need to know about Homemade organic cinnamon oil. How to make it at home? Benefits & more.

Homemade organic cinnamon oil:

The cinnamon oil is produced from the whole cinnamon. If the cinnamon is organic, then the oil will also be organic. So, before preparing the oil at home, ensure the cinnamon is organic. Cinnamon oil has excellent medicinal properties but less fragrance and is not as strong as essential oils.

Organic Cinnamon oil has many health benefits. 

  • Improves health, immune system, and brain function.
  • Use as the fragrant compound in candles and massage oil.
  • Killing fungus and bacteria.

To know more, please read organic cinnamon oil benefits.

How To Prepare Homemade Organic Cinnamon Oil?

How to prepare Homemade organic cinnamon oil?

Here we share two recipes for preparing homemade cinnamon oil.

Cinnamon oil can prepare by mixing it with carrier oil. You can add any favorite carrier oil like organic coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc. Organic Olive oil is used here. The steps are:

  • Two cups of organic olive oil require, and take it into a pan.
  • Then half cup of cinnamon needs to take. Better cinnamon is in powder form. You can add five to ten cinnamon sticks, also.
  • Mix organic olive oil and organic cinnamon powder with sticks in the pan. ( 4 : 1 ratio)
  • After that, heating is a must. Medium heat is enough. Let the mixture simmer for two to three minutes. Stir until the aroma is intense. Stop heating at this point. Otherwise, it will deplete the properties of the oil. 
  • Keep it aside for coming room temperature. 
  • Then straining is done with a fine mesh strainer. If you use cinnamon sticks, then remove the sticks.
  • Put the oil into an airtight bottle and store it in a dark and cool place. 

Thus, you can store the oil for six weeks to use. 

Alternative way to get homemade cinnamon oil :

There is another way you can make this oil. Mix organic olive oil as a carrier oil in a glass jar with the cinnamon sticks. Keep it for three to four weeks in a sunny place. Shake the jar three to four times a day. After four weeks, strain the mixture with a filter or Muslin cheesecloth. You will get your oil.

Why used with another carrier oil?

The carrier oil is an oil that dilutes the essential oil. These essential oil and carrier oils are derived from plants. This carrier oil mainly carries the oil to the skin. If the essential oil is used directly on the skin, it irritates the skin. 

Which oil can use as a carrier oil?

Coconut oil:

It is an edible oil that is prepared from coconuts. It is free from chemicals and has a coconut aroma and flavor. It has fatty acids and polyphenols that are very good for your face and skin.

Jojoba oil:

It comes from the jojoba seed and has a nutty flavor. It is used for skin due to its nourishing properties. Likewise, it reduces the extra oil production of your skin.

Apricot oil:

The oil is produced from the kernel of apricot mainly. It has a sweet and nutty scent. It is used in cosmetics mainly as a carrier oil.

Olive oil:

It comes from pressed olives and is used in aromatherapy as a carrier oil. Extra virgin olive oil is preferred mainly for its quality.

Sweet almond oil:

It is produced from the kernels of almonds and is an excellent moisturizer for your skin. It can carry the essential oil aroma properly.

Sunflower oil:

It is from the seeds of a sunflower. It has a neutral scent and is suitable for irritated skin, mainly.

Wrap up

Homemade organic cinnamon oil is easy to prepare. Due to its pleasant scent and aroma, it can quickly diffuse into the home. You can get all the benefits of organic cinnamon oil by preparing yourself. Made with love & care!


Homemade Organic Cinnamon Oil
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Mr. Shariful Alam Pavel believes in natural living. To live a healthy conscious living, we need to eat green, live green. MyOrganic Bd is a green wellbeing brand, educating millions to live a better life with mother nature.

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